FilmMaker V4 - Inkjet Film RIP software providing optimum densitiy and precision screening
The FilmMaker DifferenceInRIP separations
The latest version of FilmMaker provides the best quality and value in the inkjet film separation RIP software category. No other RIP vendors can claim the same combination of precision screening, optimum density levels, ease of use and job management workflow tools that FilmMaker provides to screenprinters. Here's just a sampling of some of the new features!
Highest quality, precision screening
FilmMaker includes CADlink’s unique, advanced AM/FM screening algorithm. Jitter™ provides a simple, flexible way in which to modify halftone screens for exceptional print quality in mid-tones, gradients, shadows and highlights.
Density rich films
Select the exact film density required by using the FilmMaker ink density test print. FilmMaker is able to provide optimum ink levels using a variety of ink/media combinations.
Easy to set-up, easy to use RIP software
Quick and easy printer, ink, media setup. The printer and queue wizard will get you up and running in minutes without the need for any documentation. Further printing adjustments and customization can be completed afterwards using FilmMakers advanced settings.
InRIP separations
Select your favorite workflow. FilmMaker provides the ability to separate files directly in the RIP. No need to purchase, learn and use secondary applications.
Your choice!
- Separations created in your favorite graphic application
- Separations created directly in FilmMaker”
Patent pending variable dot halftoning technology
Provides the most precise ink volume controls available today Faster print speeds.. and higher line screens at lower printer resolutions. FilmMaker leverages Epson’s printer variable dot halftone technology. Other RIP’s claim to but they don’t completely. FilmMaker controls the mix of small, medium and large dots. In doing so, you can control exactly how much ink is being used. Other RIP’s simply select one size dot per job and cannot offer nearly the same type of precision.